Let’s pretend there’s coffee here. Getting-to-know-yous are always better when there’s coffee. And I do want to get to know you. I don’t mean in that cheesy, come on, let me sell you kind of way. I want to know what makes you tick because that’s where our paths cross.
I’ll start.
I’m Anna. I take my coffee creamy and in a really big cup. I’m a mom, a dog-lover, want-to-be yogi, and a positive thinker (not necessarily in that order). I love amazing typography, ampersands, photography that tells a story, words that form poetry, and summer thunderstorms. My business card reads that I’m a designer, writer, blogger, and photographer, and I want to do all those things all at once. I’m pretty much always on time. I overthink most everything. But I love the details. The small things. The hidden meanings. Symbols. And yellow. Lots and lots of yellow.
I’ve designed and written for websites and print projects, created book covers and written blog posts. I think outside the box, dream big, thrive on a deadline. I love a challenge and learning new things.
I live in Charleston, South Carolina, where the ocean meets the land and the people smile big and say “bless your heart.” I’m Mom to Julia, 8, and Max, 6, wife to Jason, and I spend a lot of time driving between school and dance and karate. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Your turn. Tell me what makes your heart beat fast? When do your palms sweat? I want to know.
Get in touch. Email me at AnnaHartmanCreative@gmail.com or call 843.557.2819, and let’s work together.
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